514-425-5035 info@alphamare.ca

Life at the stables is always changing. Some changes are small, some are big, but when they are made to benefit the horses it’s hard to find anything to complain about.

Well, I managed to create a situation for my sled that has me inwardly complaining, even though the change (a big one!) is ultimately for the benefit of the horses.

You see, I recently joined a Garden Club, located in a suburb quite far from the stables (or any stables, for that matter!) In my eagerness to be of help to the club, I offered to provide some well-aged horse manure for a nominal sum, which would go to the owner of the stables.

Imagine my distress when I arrived at the manure pile to find everything dug up! There was a huge culvert running the length of the fence bordering the paddock beside the pile, to allow for other installation of french drains.
It was an improvement, to be sure, which will pay off greatly in the Spring, when the paddock will be less muddy and the runoff from the manure pile will be directed away from the horses. But the work made it impossible for me to get to the agreed manure. The entire access are was a muddy quagmire with deep ruts from the heavy equipment.

I had to get in touch with the club and try to explain what had happened and apologize for offering something I could no longer deliver.

I know that this change is for the ultimate benefit of both horses and owners, but I wish it hadn’t come as such a surprise to me!

Lesson learned – next time check before you promise!



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